In the context of enhancing school governance for the advancement of the national educational syste...
In the context of enhancing school governance for the advancement of the national educational system, the Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports has introduced the 2022-2026 roadmap, which outlines measures that are centered on students, teachers, and educational institutions.
These proposed measures will ultimately lead to modernized institutions, propelled by dynamic educational teams, offering an inviting and enriching environment, and harnessing digital tools to contribute to the motivation of stakeholders.
1. The Role of School Administrators Leadership
The success of this roadmap hinges on having educational institution leaders with strengthened leadership skills to enhance the quality of education. This underscores the significance of the GAPEF training program offered by the Institute of Education Sciences at UM6P in collaboration with Executive Education S&T – UM6P.
2. UM6P: Focused on Applied Research and Innovation
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution dedicated to applied research and innovation. It aspires to be recognized among globally renowned universities in these fields, with a specific focus on Africa. Located in the Benguerir municipality, near Marrakech, and situated within the heart of the green city, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University aims for prominence at national, continental, and international levels.
The Institute of Education Sciences and Executive Education S&T are integral components of UM6P, each harboring ambitions to position itself as a center of excellence in the fields of education and training sciences. They seek recognition at both national and African levels for the quality of their evidence-based education programs, innovative scientific research, and knowledge dissemination activities.
3. GAPEF Training Program: ‘’Governance, Administration, and Education and Training Policies’’
Through an assessment of the Moroccan education system and the analysis of various training models and contents, the ISE team and the UM6P Executive Education Science and Technology department propose an Executive Master’s program in GAPEF. This program is designed to support school leaders and training managers in developing their governance skills.
This Master’s program is particularly aimed at individuals who wish to deepen their professional practices to effectively and efficiently manage a school or training institution. With a unique and specialized structure that combines theory and practice, the GAPEF program facilitates the development of practical skills and knowledge directly applicable in real-life situations. The GAPEF program combines theoretical sessions with practical, reflective, and transformative sessions related to real-world situations. It also includes the facilitation of professional development communities, co-development groups, and on-site support.