Nutrition and Food Specialist, Assistant Professor at Ibn Tofaïl University

Pr. Hassan AGUENAOU is a University Professor (PES C), Nutrition and Food Specialist (Ibn Tofaïl University, since 1990). He is a graduate of the University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg (Phd and PhD), and is currently Director of the Regional Nutrition Center associated with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria. This center supports all African countries in the evaluation of national nutrition programs.
He is President of the African Nutrition Leadership Program (which includes 31 African countries), and is an Academician of the French Academy of Agriculture.
The Center he heads is the only one in Africa specialized in Isotopic techniques for the following measurements: Breastfeeding, Body Composition, Physical Activity, Energy Expenditure, Mineral and Vitamin Bioavailability, Protein Bioavailability.
He has provided support to 18 African countries for the implementation or evaluation of national nutrition programs.