Thomas Rosenau

Prof. Dipl.Chem Dr.rer.nat. DDr.h.c. BOKU University Vienna

Thomas Rosenau studied Chemistry at Dresden University of Technology. After PhD and postdoc time there and at NC State University in Raleigh, USA, he did his habilitation in organic chemistry at BOKU University Vienna, where he is currently full professor at the Department of Chemistry. He heads the Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources, and the Austrian Biorefinery Center Tulln (ABCT), and is also Adjunct Professor of Fiber Chemistry at Shinshu University, Japan and Adjunct Professor at the Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Center, Åbo Akademi Unversity, Turku, Finland. Thomas conducts research in Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, mainly focusing on “Green Chemistry” approaches, and the two biopolymers cellulose and lignin. He has received several major international scientific awards, such as the Anselme Payen Award 2014 (ACS) and the International Lipid Research Award (ILRA), is honorary fellow of several scientific organizations, such as the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Japanese Academy of Science and the International Academy of Wood Science, and has published 2 books, 24 book chapters and more than 480 SCI papers. He supervised 53 postdoctoral scientists, 74 dissertations and 5 habilitations. Being internationally active in the scientific community, Thomas acts as scientific advisor, evaluator, editorial board member, coorganizer of conferences, and member of appointment committees.